Lizard Colorful Head View Exotic  - Anrita1705 / Pixabay

This weeks list gives you 100 concepts or ideas for creatures, with a mixture of fantasy creatures and ones from the real world.

Disagree with this list? Think something else should have gone on it? Post in the comments section or on the social media platform you saw this article.

[tablelist caption=”” width=”500″ colwidth=”20|100|50″ colalign=”center|center”]

D20,Creature Concept
1 , Abyssal Mould
2 , Acidic Lich
3 , Agressive Snake
4 , Amphibious Gnome
5 , Anarcic Gorgon
6 , Ancient Porcupine
7 , Aquatic Naga
8 , Artificial Hydra
9 , Astral Cow
10 , Awakened Spider
11 , Beautiful Panther
12 , Bleeding Rat
13 , Bound Wolf
14 , Broken Amoeba
15 , Brutish Ghoul
16 , Burning Centaur
17 , Calcified Whale
18 , Canabalistic Frog
19 , Celestial Angel
20 , Chaotic Worm
21 , Chromatic Banshee
22 , Clockwork Tiger
23 , Corrupted Vampire
24 , Crystaline Dog
25 , Cursed Lion
26 , Dazzling Zombie
27 , Deep Elf
28 , Degraded Ogre
29 , Desert Pixie
30 , Despair Cyclops
31 , Devolved Archon
32 , Diamond Sphinx
33 , Dieing Ant
34 , Dire Treant
35 , Disentegrating Halfling
36 , Divine Griffon
37 , Draining Unicorn
38 , Dream Dolphin
39 , Dull Demon
40 , Ectoplasmic Sallamander
41 , Engorged Fungus
42 , Entropic Maggot
43 , Eternal Sheep
44 , Ethereal Goat
45 , Evolved Phoenix
46 , Fallen Wererat
47 , Fey Werewolf
48 , Fiendish Badger
49 , Forest Orc
50 , Frost Basilisk
51 , Gigantic Roc
52 , Grey Gargoyle
53 , Hybrid Harpy
54 , Imposing Troll
55 , Infused Ooze
56 , Insane Gnoll
57 , Jungle Chicken
58 , Mature Shark
59 , Metalic Giant
60 , Miniature Dragon
61 , Mossy Cat
62 , Mountain Fish
63 , Mummified Moth
64 , Mutated Whisp
65 , Mythical Bat
66 , Necrotic Crab
67 , Nightmarish Wyvern
68 , Obsidian Elemental
69 , Parasitic Squid
70 , Peaceful Kangeroo
71 , Perfected Manticore
72 , Pesudo Scorpion
73 , Phasing Hippogriff
74 , Poisionous Centipede
75 , Possessed Satyr
76 , Primitive Kobold
77 , Prismatic Crocodile
78 , Protean Parrot
79 , Psycotic Gelatinous Cube
80 , Radiant Chimera
81 , River Chupacabra
82 , Scarred Ghost
83 , Shadow Minotaur
84 , Shifting Shadow
85 , Skeletal Dwarf
86 , Souless Gremlin
87 , Star Genie
88 , Storming Cockatrice
89 , Stoundbound Wraith
90 , Subterranean Hyena
91 , Superior Eagle
92 , Swamp Cockroach
93 , Thorned Golem
94 , Timid Beetle
95 , Umbral Goblin
96 , Unstable Horse
97 , Vampiriic Pig
98 , Vivacious Pegasus
99 , Warped Kracken
100 , Wild Ape


Get the PDF that was used to make this list HERE



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