Added some more details to the BDK generator today. This time, you’ll get the characters languages, their competency with each language, their general literacy level and their looks/apparent age has been added as well.

Background & Details
Quick Age Adult
Gender Female
Species Orc
Profession Assassin
Personality Terrified
Family Parents Mother Alive and well
Father Alive, but ill/weakened/old etc.
Marital Status Still together, Mother having known affair
Relationship with character Only in contact on holidays
Siblings Siblings 1 sibling (younger Female)
Personal Relationship Personal Relationship In a relationship, partner having an affair (known affair)
Children Children No children
Friends/Enemies Friends/Enemies Enemies with a Female Goblin Artist who is Sexy
Physical Details Size/Weight in relation to typical Height 4 % above
Weight 1 % above
Looks Looks/apparent age Much older
Background Hometown Hometown name Cartgrove
Distance to Hometown Current location
Time spent there Moved in last 2 weeks
Size of hometown Small City
Primary aspect/nature of hometown Trade
Residence type there Large
Income Primary Income source Mining/Resources
Secondary Income source Mining/Resources
Languages Language Home/Native, Common and Gnome Ancient dialect – A few words wrong
Literacy Literacy level (general) Illiterate

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