Ennead Games 2020 Mega Bundle!

Things have got to a point where I need to take some time-off, yet still need to have some cash coming in. It’s nothing bad, just there are many things I need to do IRL that I don’t have the chance to do and they are stacking up. Plus I need some proper time of to rest.

So, I decided to hold a mega-bundle deal sale!

Normally, the bundle would cost $578.36 if purchased individually.

But for the remainder of January (and a couple of days in February) you can get it for…


Yup, you read that right, $36.00 for a LOT of PDFs, over 300 – Practically everything on sale from Ennead Games at DrivethruRPG right now: Free/PWYW titles are not included.

That’s a saving of over $500.

The best bit is, if you already have any items in the bundle, the cost will be reduced by an amount.
EG. If something in the bundle has a bundle “price” of $.50, then you get that off the overall price.

This mega bundle is only on sale till the start of February. To clarify on this:

At the end of the time period, 9am GMT/London Time on February the 3rd 2020, the collection WILL be going back up to its normal price!

I will be sending out a weekly reminder about the bundle , but I wont be spamming

But once this bundle is over I don’t know if, or when, I will run another one.

May the dice roll ever in your favour!

Chris/Ennead Games


Get the bundle HERE

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