Frog Exotic Close Up Terrarium  - suju-foto / Pixabay

The Creature Concept Series generates a two-word idea or description for a creature (sometimes by coicidence this matches a real thing) –  There are many versions available and this one gives concept for a creature or animal that has been twisted, changed or is some other way different to the standard version.

Disagree with this list? Think something else should have gone on it? Post in the comments section or on the social media platform you saw this article.

[tablelist caption=”” width=”500″ colwidth=”20|100|50″ colalign=”center|center”]

D100, Creature Concept 2
1 , African Fox
2 , Albino Maggot
3 , American Gorilla
4 , Antarctic Lion
5 , Aquatic Goat
6 , Arctic Weasel
7 , Asiatic Llama
8 , Australian Meerkat
9 , Banded Butterfly
10 , Bat-Eared Frog
11 , Black Buffalo
12 , Black-headed Penguin
13 , Black-Tailed Dog
14 , Blue Scorpion
15 , Blue-Chested Moth
16 , Blue-Faced Aardvark
17 , Blue-Footed Bear
18 , Bronze Panther
19 , Brown Cockroach
20 , Collard Seal
21 , Common Panda
22 , Crested Spider
23 , Desert Worm
24 , Dusky Beaver
25 , Dwarf Gopher
26 , Earth Locust
27 , Eastern Camel
28 , Eurasian Chicken
29 , European Alligator
30 , Fat-Tailed Quakka
31 , Feral Sea-lion
32 , Feral Tiger
33 , Field Wolf
34 , Flat Crocodile
35 , Four-horned Falcon
36 , Frilled Sea-lion
37 , Galapagos Chameleon
38 , Giant Kangaroo
39 , Glossy Boar
40 , Gold Rat
41 , Goliath Centipede
42 , Great Moose
43 , Greater Chipmunk
44 , Green Donkey
45 , Grey/Gray Ibis
46 , Hairless Mole
47 , Hairy Vulture
48 , Honey Cat
49 , Horned Lizard
50 , House Racoon
51 , Hybrid (Porcupine-Pig)
52 , Indian Ostrich
53 , Jungle Hyenea
54 , King Beetle
55 , Lesser Hamster
56 , Long-nosed Bull
57 , Long-tailed Fish
58 , Moon Wasp
59 , Mountain Ant
60 , Mutated Orang-utan
61 , North American Tortoise
62 , Northern Wombat
63 , Pink Bat
64 , Primal Turkey
65 , Protean Badger
66 , Purple Chimpanzee
67 , Pygmy Anteater
68 , Rainbow Crow
69 , Red Cricket
70 , Red Moth
71 , Red-Chested Duck
72 , Ring-Tailed Sloth
73 , Ringtail Otter
74 , River Owl
75 , Russian Leech
76 , Savanna Bee
77 , Short-nosed Parrot
78 , Short-tailed Salamander
79 , Silver Turtle
80 , Snow/Snowy Clam
81 , South American Hippopotamus
82 , Southern Serpent
83 , Spiny Swan
84 , Spotted Elephant
85 , Star Glider
86 , Striped Horse
87 , Subterranean Koala
88 , Sun Sheep
89 , Swamp Fly
90 , Three-horned Snake
91 , Tree Eagle
92 , Tropical Python
93 , Urban Cow
94 , White Hedgehog
95 , White-Chested Flea
96 , White-Headed Giraffe
97 , White-Tailed Skunk
98 , Wide-Mouthed Stork
99 , Wild Crab
100 , Yellow Squirrel


Want to buy the PDF that was used to make this list? – Click HERE



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