Rust Rusty Iron Old Texture Metal  - blende12 / Pixabay

This weeks d100 list continues the sci-fi/modern theme with the names of Sci-Fi themed materials. They may be futuristic names for materials that already exists or something with new and weird properties.

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[tablelist caption=”” width=”500″ colwidth=”20|100|50″ colalign=”center|center”]

D100,Material Name
1 , Absorbing Nitinol
2 , Active Glass
3 , Adaptive Ink
4 , Adjustable Gold
5 , Advanced Polymer
6 , Amorphous Hassium
7 , Anti Vanadium
8 , Atomic Tube
9 , Bio Ceramic
10 , Bonded Bronze
11 , Calibrated Pigment
12 , Carbonised Cotton
13 , Charged Iron
14 , Chrono Shell
15 , Coloured Nickel
16 , Common Bohrium
17 , Compressed Electrum
18 , Conductive Oak
19 , Crystalised Foam
20 , Cyclic Cloth
21 , Dark Plastic
22 , Decayed Iridium
23 , Degraded Skin
24 , Denatured Palladium
25 , Disrupted Concrete
26 , Dura Aluminum
27 , Electronic Polyester
28 , Energetic Matter
29 , Enhanced Tungsten
30 , Exotic Osmium
31 , Explosive Zinc
32 , Flammable Rutherfordium
33 , Fluxing Chrome
34 , Fragile Solvent
35 , Frictionless Nickle
36 , Frozen Glue
37 , Galvanised Vinyl
38 , Harmonic Plasma
39 , Heated Technetium
40 , Heavy Cast Iron
41 , High-density Cobalt
42 , Hydrophobic Sand
43 , Impacted Platinum
44 , Indestructible Dubnium
45 , Infused Crystal
46 , Inverted Cardboard
47 , Isomorphic Manganese
48 , Layered Alloy
49 , Levitating Fiber
50 , Light Wool
51 , Liquid Titanium
52 , Low-density Steel
53 , Luminous Wood
54 , Magnification Terrracota
55 , Melted Tantalum
56 , Meta Yttrium
57 , Metallic Silicon
58 , Micro Carbon
59 , Modified Cadmium
60 , Modulated Rubber
61 , Molecular Silver
62 , Morphic Ruthenium
63 , Nano Leather
64 , Neutronic Molybdenum
65 , Non-flammable Hafnium
66 , Non-refractive Acid
67 , Opaque Tin
68 , Oscilating Mercury
69 , Perfected Graphene
70 , Phasing Cement
71 , Phosphorescent Kevlar
72 , Photochromic Silver
73 , Photonic Copper
74 , Polarised Seaborgium
75 , Powdered Stone
76 , Quantum Cable
77 , Radioactive Scandium
78 , Reactive Nomex
79 , Reflective Marble
80 , Refractive Paper
81 , Regenerating Metal
82 , Resiliant Zirconium
83 , Shielded Carbomorph
84 , Solidified Lead
85 , Stabilised Gel
86 , Stretched Bone
87 , Super Fiberglass
88 , Synthetic Brick
89 , Temperature Niobium
90 , Temporal Chromium
91 , Thermochromic Rhodium
92 , Toughned Brass
93 , Transparent Epoxy
94 , Ultra Acrylic
95 , Ultra-Heavy Diamond
96 , Ultra-Light Linen
97 , Unreactive Rhenium
98 , Unstable Granite
99 , Vulcanised Magnesium
100 , Warped Nylon

Get the PDF that was used to make this list HERE

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