Infernal and Demonic beings can be a tricky bunch, particularly when they often have two names, one being their true name and the other a name or title for mortals to use. Here’s 20 of em for your use. Just be careful if you try to say these ones outloud…

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[tablelist caption=”” width=”500″ colwidth=”20|100|50″ colalign=”left|left”]

D20, True Name (Use Name)
1 , All’ularrh-rh (Mucuspile )
2 , Aoea-aroudh-oo (Blastblue the Spiteful)
3 , Aych’de (Slobberthrust Rheumgore )
4 , A’yiie’pp-gu-eihhyu (Dogwight Spumerotten )
5 , Ba’aocc-ffeexaayba (Blackbane Mangesweat )
6 , Buernur’denurak (Banewart the Feared)
7 , Chya’th-ma-mm’zh’ff (Spewmaul )
8 , Da-q’eo-madu (Spidercackle the Dealmaker)
9 , Duhldh’qudhrhmu (Tearrend Axesharp )
10 , E-maq’-eoay-radu (Madspoor the Infinite)
11 , Euq’-mo-z-q’chiu (Fluxgrasp the Dark)
12 , Hl’y-oo (Trembledog Killbile )
13 , Iahlerythlffx (Bagwind Riphowl )
14 , Ioyu’oe (Fluxputrid Mildewmire the Villanous)
15 , Muerninch (Spotdread the Killer)
16 , Owkwbo’zh (Mucusblech Fistglutton the Nefarious)
17 , O’xaea (Loathpain Maimfat the Evil)
18 , Th-da’bo-x’ee’maz (Biteheart Firegrue )
19 , Xa’tlninma (Hotrip Warcut )
20 , Zaarbi-kwnin-dh’maz-ir (Bubospine )



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