Traps make dungeons fun* Add some to your dungeon…today!

*Fun may be a subjective experience

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[tablelist caption=”” width=”500″ colwidth=”20|100|50″ colalign=”left|left”]

D20,Trap Concept
1 , Blinking Chain
2 , Breaching Flower
3 , Compelling Gemstone
4 , Deafening Box
5 , Devouring Armor
6 , Disease Spreading Wood
7 , Distorting Shield
8 , Flying Basket
9 , Freezing Crossbow
10 , Freezing Vest
11 , Growing Fountain
12 , Impaling Table
13 , Intoxicating Net
14 , Poisoning Shoe
15 , Reaching Pants
16 , Scowling Gemstone
17 , Shrinking Glove
18 , Singing Brush
19 , Swaping Web
20 , Teleporting Lock


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