Quick Generator Extended – Mech Names & Concepts
40,000 Names or concepts for mechanised units
A Mech is a, often giant or larger than human-sized, robot or machine controlled by a person (or persons in some cases, especially the larger types). They may have a humanoid look to them, but that can vary according to what they are designed for.
Mechs can be built and used for many purposes, from fighting in urban warfare, to dealing with giant monsters that dare to attack your coastal cities, or even just to show off because the one who is in charge of the military budget ”…really digs giant robots.”
This extended quick generator gives you two d200 tables that, when the results are combined, can generate from a possible 40,000 names/titles or concepts (and another 40,000 if you use the “reverse” option) for your mechanical combat robots , suits and fighting titans!
Sample Outputs:
Demon Covenant
Panzer Genesis
Storming Cobra
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