An empire is an extensive group of states or countries ruled over by a single monarch, an oligarchy, or a sovereign state. The ones listed below have been amonsgt the largest in history. A few, such as the British,  still have a noticable, but vastly diminished influence on the world today. They helped to shpe the world in which we live today, for good or bad.

For those who don’t know, Circa  means “approximately”, as there are sometimes errors with records or no offical date when a certain empire was regonised, etc.

Disagree with this list? Think something else should have gone on it? Post in the comments section or on the social media platform you saw this article.

[tablelist caption=”” width=”500″ colwidth=”20|100|50″ colalign=”left|left”]

1 , Abbasid Caliphate – Circa 750 AD
2 , British Empire – Circa 1920 AD
3 , Eastern Han Dynasty – Circa 100 AD
4 , Empire of Brazil – Circa 1889 AD
5 , Göktürk Khaganate – Circa 557 AD
6 , Golden Horde Khanate – Circa 1310 AD
7 , Ming Dynasty – Circa 1450 AD
8 , Mongol Empire – Circa 1270 AD
9 , Ottoman Empire – Circa 1683 AD
10 , Portuguese Empire – Circa 1820 AD
11 , Qing Dynasty – Circa 1790 AD
12 , Rashidun Caliphate – Circa 655 AD
13 , Roman Empire – Circa 117 AD
14 , Russian Empire – Circa 1895 AD
15 , Second French Colonial Empire – Circa 1920 AD
16 , Spanish Empire – Circa 1810 AD
17 , Tang Dynasty – Circa 820 AD
18 , Tibetan Empire – Circa 800 AD
19 , Umayyad Caliphate – Circa 720 AD
20 , Yuan Dynasty – Circa 1310 AD



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