A new generator has gone live today and it’s the Star System and Planet Name generator.  This generator uses information originally found in “Star and Planet Name Maker” and can be purchased here at DrivethruRPG and Open Gaming Store. 

This one has enough differences to the original planet name generator that I felt a new version would work alongside it, rather than replacing it.

Clicking on the link in the table below will take you directly to the generator page.

Star & Planet Names
Star Names Planet Names
#1 Driptot Cogninium Prime
#2 Nephatech Sopuram Zeta
#3 Penapilla Stanzagles Sigma
#4 Audiomannic Yonoid Nu
#5 Kangallix Plutodriver Rho
#6 Anonamode Nupriminadron 3
#7 Meditard Kilonico U
#8 Xanthemoog Brutever Two
#9 Combidonix Abegod P
#10 Hicast Abelios G

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