A short one today, not much to cover because i have been taking it easy….Mostly…lol
Quick Generator – Futuristic Cryptozoology came out and did ok. Its set off a few ideas that have been added to to ideass/to-do list.
World Anvil
Using my rpg campaign progress, in that the article of the week/bi-weekly is related to events that occur in some way is helping to give more WA content AND flesh out the game world at the same time.
Streaming and Vids
- Streaming – ESO: ESO has for me, become my default game now. Each session/episode I am treating as a thing in its own right, so no episode numbers, only vauge bit of plots linking them together etc. And I am ok with that 🙂
- Streaming – Farscape Watch Party : Not much to say here really, cant go into too much without spoiling things. There was some minor audio issue on a vid, but hopefully that was a small/rare thing.
- On the first of december there will be no stream from me as it is the start of Jingle Jam charity drive and this is one thing I do not miss. Will remind people on streams about this.
- Vids – Think i have sorted out the upload/YT issue. Looks like as i thought it was a chrome extension clash issue for some rerason. Turning them off then doing things then back on again seemed to have reset it. Time will tell.
Goals and To-Do List
Goal | Current | Goal # | To Go |
Twitter – Followers | 1,102 | 2000 | 898 |
Twitter – Tweets | 38857 | 50,000 | 11,143 |
Twitch – Followers | 222 | 500 | 278 |
Youtube – Subscribers – Custom URL | 18 | 100 | 82 |
Youtube – Subscribers – Monetization | 18 | 1000 | 982 |
Youtube – Uploads | 182 | 200 | 18 |
Youtube – Views | 473 | 10,000 | 9,527 |
Weekly Goal | Done? |
Add a new generator to the gen page/updated old one | N |
Add a pdf collection or item to itch | Y |
Uploaded stream to YT | Y |
Biweekly | |
World Anvil Article | Y |
No generator this week as I was taking things easy.
Other Stuff
Nothing much except that as a free tip, when working on adatabase, make sure that you name thing properly , so you dont delete the wrong one by mistake…like I did lol