Oki readers, its that time of the week again.



SciFi Academy Class Names – Extended Edition” came out and done well – Got into the top 10 for “under $5” and top 20 for small press. Which is nice 😀


World Anvil

No WA article last week because of the mental-health break I was taking. Will be back tomorrow with any luck.

World Anvil Easthalen Page




Getting back on track, slowly, with the schedule, even though things are not going 100% as I want. I think the channel is in need of a revamp or new way of doing things, but thats an ongoing process really.

  • M – BL3 – Made some nice progress with things, getting to a good point in the game and have got to a bit i was looking forward to
  • T – STO – Had a nice TFO day. Thinking about doing a “AMA about STO” day for beginners and people who want to learn about the game.
  • W – GW2 – There has been some technical issues on GW2 the last few days, causing log in problems and so on. Today/tonight will give Gw2 a break as i need to catch up on ESO badly
  • T – FFXIV – Ahhh love being back in the game. Getting used to the controls again is fiddly and found out, as i thought there WAS a skill that helped me regen my magic power, just wasnt using i…derp
  • F – SDV – Now finally got some iridium sprinklers, can work on getting the farm in top shape. Year three is coming up and with that getting the quests done, the various achievements and so on will be the priority.


Twitch – Main https://www.twitch.tv/mobiustempus



Other Stuff

Looking into setting up a store/page on itch.io  Have not done in the past for various reasons, mainly time, but another place to sell things will always be good.


Where to find & support Ennead Games online
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