Only a few more weeks left of the year!



Resource Pack Volume 1 – SciFi” came out last week and is already a Copper Seller which means its in the top 10%, well 9.02% of products!

Next week, the next in the Real World Name Maker Series comes out and is based on German Names.


World Anvil

I had the pleasure of attending a seminar hosted by Janet and Demteris of World Anvil on Saturday as part of Dragonmeet. Some good points raised, especially the “5 World Building Questions” plus had a nice chat with the folks from Project Deios as well regarding the software they are bringing out. Really looking forward to seeing it in action.

Last weeks updated WA aricle was called “The Helm of the Horse” and it allows the user the channel the power of a horse-like god.

World Anvil Article Page

World Anvil Easthalen Page




Streaming continues, despite a few technically issues (not my end) with some of the games, but the level of this is much better then before and not multiple times per stream as it was a year ago etc.

  • Monday – ESO – Finished the current zone and starting a new one next week!
  • Tuesday – STO – Done with New Romulus (part from a mission I need to repeat) and the Q winter Wonderland is great fun. The ship that can be earned is a beast!
  • Wednesday – Guild Wars 2 – The Story Continues – I think am close to the end of the base/core game
  • Thursday –  LOTRO – Have finally left the shire and started work in Bree and the Old Forest
  • Friday – Out Worlds – We have a new companion, namely a cleaning robot called SAM
  • Saturday – STA – The last episode ended after a revelation that the creature was , as suspected by Raal, Kosst Amojan. Then , our Q appeared, naked, in Quarks, after asking for asylum!

Twitch – Main



Other Stuff

EGGBot, my twitter based rpg content bot,  is working again – It seems the account I use to do its thing has a limited amount of credit/uses per month for the free account, which is totally fine. Have adjusted it’s output so now, it should work 2 to 3 times per day.

It can be found HERE.



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