Normally, today I would be posting an article from World Anvil, based on a prompt or something from my game world. However yesterday I discovered a new (well new to me) feature that those in the World Anvil Master+ level get access to, which allows for auto-linking of articles once you set things up. So today I am working through older articles and categorising and using the auto linker and so on. These are relatively minor tweaks and changes but they add quite a bit of functionality in my world of Easthalen.
In other news: I am now an affiliate for WA, so if you see any of my WA affiliate links (which I will always clearly mark as such, like the one below) and click through, I get a thank-you bonus to my account if you end up subscribing. World Anvil does have a free level of usage with many great features so definitely worth having a look at if you are interested in world-building and want to try it out. Then, if you enjoy what you are using but want or need more, you can always upgrade later to the paid tiers which unlock more space and features, such as the auto-article linker I mentioned above – which for me makes it worth it alone!
At some point, I’ll probably do a series about starting off with and using WA – so that it helps others and helps me learn and relearn features and so on – A beginners guide so to speak, or more accurately “(re)learning together” series. But that’s on the “to-do” list.