As mentioned a couple of weeks ago, I’m trying out a new thing where I combine my world-building prompts and World anvil article building into one! To start off this trial run, and it’s my unofficial Kaiju Month, I’m using the prompts/questions about “Mega Fauna” which feels very appropriate for Kaiju!
World Building Questions/Prompts
The original questions/prompts which I’ll be using to generate the article are below:
MF = Mega Fauna
- Are they a single creature or move in herds?
- Does it provide a renewable resource (wool, milk etc)
- How aggressive is the MF?
- How big is its territory (per MF)
- How do the local population deal with the MF?
- How much does the MF weigh?
- How often does the MF reproduce and how many offspring per cycle?
- What does it eat and drink?
- What is the biggest this MF can get?
- What is the name of the largest MF species? (this question isn’t used as it’s not relevant for this particular article)
- Where can it be found?
There are many mega fauna in Fantasy genre and Easthalen is no exception, but this will be focusing on the deadly and legendary Hell Chicken (Gallus gallus gianticus).
Many worlds on the omiverse have mega fauna. Easthalen is no exception. The so-called Hell Chicken (Gallus Gallus Gianticus) is belived to have traced it’s origins back to the “Spell Cascade” – an event that threated to tear world apart when a wave or arcana energy swept across the land. Many surved that event, but a few species, espically those caught at one of the orgin points had mutations devlop in their offspring.
Like its parent species (the domestic chicken aka Gallus Gallus domesticus) the Hell Chicken moves in herds or flocks of about 10 or 12. Which in itself isnt too bad, ecept for the fact that these creatures are around 50 to 60 times the height of a regular hen.
The eggs, feathers and meat of the HC are much like it’s parent species, just much bigger. Some say the HC flesh/eggs has a spicy or hotness to it, which is belived to have been the origin of it’s name “It’s meat taste hotter than the hives of hell” but this has not been confirmed one way or the other.
For creatures as large as the HC, they can be quite docile. However, much like their smaller cousins, every so-often , the males in particular when it’s breading seasono can get VERY territorial and agressive.
For each flock, as their territory is close to The Bleed , an area that streaches and warps space-time, judging their actual territory size is difficult, but estimate put it at around 10 square miles per flock.
As the Hive Chicken are, for the most part, peacful, they are left alone, with local gathering left behind feathers, eggs and , for the more desperate ones, taking down one of the slower members of a flock.
A regular chicken weighs around 3kg when fully grown. A HC often weighs around 200 kg, at minimum and is belived to actually be a lot more.
The HC, like its smaller sibling, reproduces by egg laying. Each clutch is around 3 to 4 eggs, but a single egg is often the standard. Some legends say that there was one a poor chluck who laid 10 eggs in one batch!
The HC eats similiary to its smaller version, but has been recorded as eating meat from other animals and even sapeitn creatures. It seems as though each flock has their own deitry preferences, with some sticking to grains , others carrion/dead meat and some, espically the more agressive ones, going after small creatures and even children at times.
While a typical HC can reach 50-60 times that of the regular chicken, there is one persistant story/legend of a lone HC that has reached 350 feet plus. Thhis has been dubbed by those who see it as “The God Chicken”, spotted deep within the Bleed.
Primarily within the Bleed, as it’s territory and size would not really allow it to exist anywhere else without either dieing out or being hunted for its pre-spcied meat and eggs, which lasts for a long times before spoiling. If they are found outside this area they have wandered out by mistake, or been taken and released later by others.
List of world-building prompts & questions
Free to use online world-building questions picker/prompter
World Anvil gives you a series of tools, templates and prompts to help manage and build your world – (Affiliate Link)
World Image by Caeora