Rivers, oceans, ponds and so on are the lifeblood of pratically every known culture. They may be the area from which the orginal life evolved, a source of nourishment , where commerce takes place and even in some circumstances where folks live.
These 10 world building prompts give you some suggestions or things to think about with regards to the various aquatic areas and bodies of water.
- What is the largest single body of water called?
- What is the deep aquatic point in the world?
- How many major areas are there and what divides them?
- What , if present, effect does the tides have?
- What legends are associated with the aquatic areas?
- What are the details of the longest river?
- Are there any permanent unusual features?
- What % of the world is covered in water (fresh and salt)?
- What aquatic area is the most dangerous to traverse and why?
- What materials/resources can only be found in various aquatic areas?
Bonues Question/Prompt – What (in)famous NPCs are associated with the various bodies of water?
List of world-building prompts & questions
Free to use online world-building questions picker/prompter
World Anvil gives you a series of tools, templates and prompts to help manage and build your world – (Affiliate Link)
What world-building topic would you like to see next time? Let me know in the comments below or on social media.