Creature Description Generator Volume 7 – Dwarf

A dwarf is, according to some, a member of a mythical race of short, stocky human-like creatures who are generally skilled in mining and metalworking.

But dwarfs, like all other creatures, come in a variety of types, not all follow the “deep voiced, grumpy miner” stereotype. The Creature Description Generator is designed to help you make your dwarfs description more varied, interesting and memorable.

Inside this edition of CDG you’ll find 10 Aspects to help flesh out your description of a dwarf:

  • Clan and Name – a brief overview of the dwarfs clan
  • Clothing/armour – What sort of clothing do they have on
  • Face & Features – Anything note-worthy about their face?
  • Hair/Beard – The thing for which many dwarfs are famous for
  • Personality – Are they considered too boring, clever, or something else?
  • Profession/Class – How does this dwarf make a living
  • Tattoos & Piercings – Does this dwarf have any type of body modifications?
  • Voice – How do they sound?
  • Weapon of Choice – What weapon does this dwarf prefer to use in combat?
  • Quirk/Feature – 100 quirks or features to help make the character more unique and memorable

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Open Gaming Store and Paizo online stores soon (store links)



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