It’s been a while since the last volume in this series, but as I slowly plug my way through my to-do list and after a quick poll (both and twitter and patreon ) there was a high indication that people wanted more from the Dungeon Feature series.

For those that don’t know, the Dungeon Feature series is for helping to flesh out the details of a particular subject, themed around things you’ll find in dungeons, with a very broad scope for what I consider to be a dungeon, so it could be underground, something in rooms or gardens etc. In the past there have been dungeon features that covered the following subject:

  • Altars
  • Chests
  • Doors
  • Room/Location Names
  • Sights, Sounds and Smells

The next volume I am starting on today is about Fountains. They have a lot of potential features a generator could cover, such as size, shape, decoration and more. The best part, from my point of view at least, will be coming up with the effect of the water (or other liquid) the fountain contains, assuming it’s still working.

I have plenty more planned for the DF series, such as…

  • Statue
  • Portals
  • Traps

This is along with an another series planned that deals with what I am dubbing “Urban Features” – or things that you would find when exploring a settlement, such as buildings like shops, bridges, City walls or other large constructs.

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