Today starting on some basics with World Anvil. I won’t be going over things in detail as there are some great guides already in place but those with more talent and skill than me – Am not putting self down, being realistic.
Think of this as an overview/reminder about how to do things!
So, you want to start making stuff for your world with World Anvil? Well here is a quick and dirty process to do so!
- Sign up for an account. You can do so HERE for FREE. (This is my affiliate link so you are aware – you don’t have to use this, but it helps me if you do and doesn’t cost you)
- Fill out your details such as user name email, password etc.
- You’ll get to part 1 of the welcome/set-up screen, have a read of it.
- Pick a theme – this is for how your dashboard will look, for this guide I’m going with the “Villains” theme
- Next pick the features you want active – For now will be selecting all the ones available to us, even though this series will focus on World Building.
- Next pick which editor style you want – There are two listed, one is a WYSIWYG good for beginners. The other is more involved but can allow you to do more. You can switch between the two easy enough, but for now, going with the “Plato” option, which should be auto-selected..
- Next is “Choose your path” – Here you pick if making a rpg character or world. For now, as this series is focused on world building, pick world.
- You should now be on a screen that looks like something like this:
- In the first box – put in your world name – for this series, will be using the tottally orginal and extremely well thought out name of “Guideville”
- Fill in a short description of your world – This is a teaser, the hook to get people interested. You can change this later of course, but for now, have a think about this then fill it in.
- Optional Step – If your world is based around a certain rpg system, pick it from the drop-down list. If not leave it as is. Guideville will be system free, so I am leaving this blank. Click on “Save and Proceed”
- You should now be on a screen that looks something like this – depending on your theme and options it might not match 100%.
- Congratulations – Your world is now set-up and ready to start being filled! I will be covering the various features in future quick guides, but for now, have a look round there and read up, go through the various options and definatly read the “Welcome to World Anvil – READ ME FIRST” document.