Brain Mind Psychology Idea Drawing  - ElisaRiva / Pixabay

Alignment is regarded by some as a moral compass – it directs your beliefs and actions along an often fairly narrow, axis, good vs evil being one such axis, with lawfulness vs chaotic being another. Some others think it is a broad way of looking at a characters personality.

This list may at first glance seem odd, even contradictory, but they can represent “both sides of the same coin”. People are complex organisms and few of them should be just one aspect , such as their their outlook or personality, made manifest.

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[tablelist caption=”” width=”500″ colwidth=”20|100|50″ colalign=”center|center”]

1 , Abiding Decent
2 , Absolute Exalted
3 , Aloof Hideous
4 , Anarchic Malignant
5 , Arrogant Destructive
6 , Axiomatic Neutral
7 , Bystanding Bad
8 , Calm Revolting
9 , Candid Evil
10 , Chaotic Well-Behaved
11 , Clinical Guiltless
12 , Collected Uncorrupted
13 , Conscientious Heinous
14 , Cool Saint
15 , Corrupt Wonderful
16 , Covert Obedient
17 , Decent Offensive
18 , Deceptive Flagitious
19 , Defiant Hateful
20 , Deranged Loathsome
21 , Despotic Atrocious
22 , Detached Untainted
23 , Devious Benevolent
24 , Devoted Damnable
25 , Disengaged Charitable
26 , Dishonest Irreprehensible
27 , Disinterested Modest
28 , Disordered Nice
29 , Disorderly Worthy
30 , Disorganized Spiteful
31 , Dispassionate Vile
32 , Equitable Helpful
33 , Ethical Maleficent
34 , Evenhanded Ethical
35 , Exemplary Egotistical
36 , Extreme Pernicious
37 , Factual Depraved
38 , Forthright Moral
39 , Honest Reputable
40 , Honourable Lovely
41 , Humane Cruel
42 , Immoral Incorrupt
43 , Impersonal Irreproachable
44 , Inactive Obscene
45 , Indifferent Immoral
46 , Inert Malicious
47 , Infinitely Villainous
48 , Irresponsible Angry
49 , Lawful Nefarious
50 , Lawless Foul
51 , Moral Unpropitious
52 , Neutral Honest
53 , Noble Injurious
54 , Nonaligned Admirable
55 , Nonbelligerent Unpleasant
56 , Nonchalant Harmful
57 , Noncombatant Wrathful
58 , Openly Stinking
59 , Optimistic Corrupt
60 , Outright Calamitous
61 , Overtly Tractable
62 , Pacifistic Dutiful
63 , Pedestrian Gentle
64 , Pessimistic Rancorous
65 , Poker-Faced Innocent
66 , Precise Good
67 , Principled Assisting
68 , Pure Praiseworthy
69 , Rampageous Inculpable
70 , Realistic Pleasant
71 , Rebellious Low
72 , Relaxed Virtuous
73 , Reliable Heroic
74 , Reserved Agreeable
75 , Respectable Respectable
76 , Right Disastrous
77 , Right-Minded Wicked
78 , Righteous Reprobate
79 , Riotous Honourable
80 , Scrupulous Malevolent
81 , Shamefully Friendly
82 , Sincere Aiding
83 , Social Vicious
84 , Straightforward Poisonous
85 , Topsy-Turvy Execrable
86 , True Kind
87 , Trustworthy Righteous
88 , Tumultuous Pleasing
89 , Turbid Blameless
90 , Turbulent Impure
91 , Unbiased Upright
92 , Uncommitted Repugnant
93 , Unconcerned Iniquitous
94 , Uncontrolled Base
95 , Unethical Delightful
96 , Uninvolved Repulsive
97 , Unjust Right
98 , Unprejudiced Exemplary
99 , Unreliable Estimable
100 , Virtuous Beastly


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