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This week saw the release of the “Magic Ruling Body Namer” PDF and it contained 50 pre-made examples, out of a possible 1,000,000+.  So , in keeping with the weeks theme, todays list is another 100 examples following the details and suggestions in the aforementioned PDF.

Disagree with this list? Think something else should have gone on it? Post in the comments section or on the social media platform you saw this article.

[tablelist caption=”” width=”500″ colwidth=”20|100|50″ colalign=”center|center”]

D100, Magic Ruling Body Name
1 , The Accredited Quarters of The Uncanny
2 , The Approved House of Marvels
3 , The Astral Affiliation of Spellcasting
4 , The August Academy of The Mystical Arts
5 , The Authenticated Committee of Hexcraft
6 , The Blessed Guild of Magic
7 , The Bright Team of The Weird
8 , The Cardinal College of The Esoteric
9 , The Celestial Faction of Mojo
10 , The Certified Marketplace of Trickery
11 , The Cleared Assembly of Conjuring
12 , The Community Convocation of Warlockry
13 , The Conformist Cooperative of Charms
14 , The Delphic Polytechnic of Sympathetic Magic
15 , The Divine Lobby of Sortilege
16 , The Eastern Coalition of The Transcendental
17 , The Effulgent Coterie of Transmutation
18 , The Elevated Chantry of Demonianism
19 , The Eminent Federation of Illusions
20 , The Empyrean Nexus of Intangible
21 , The Endorsed Heart of Witchcraft
22 , The Exalted Lodge of Conjuration
23 , The Exemplar Boarding School of The Transcendent
24 , The First Parliament of Artifice
25 , The Formal Center of Necromancy
26 , The Glorious Cynosure of The Arcane
27 , The Government Body of Auguring
28 , The Gracious Union of Shadows
29 , The Grand Sisterhood of Curses & Cures
30 , The Hallowed League of Summoning
31 , The Hermetic Congress of Philosophy
32 , The Hidden Kinship of Jinxes
33 , The High Enterprise of The Nonrational
34 , The Holy Foundation of The Arcane Science
35 , The Honest Syndicate of Bewitchment
36 , The Illustrious Combine of Ambiguous
37 , The Impenetrable University of The Transmundane
38 , The Imperial Halls of Oracles
39 , The Inner Conglomerate of Chemistry
40 , The Jewelled School of Natural Philosophy
41 , The Jovian Cartel of Occultism
42 , The Lambent Ring of Battle Magic
43 , The Lawful Varsity of Evocation
44 , The Leading Synod of Spiritual Arts
45 , The Legitimate Circle of Enchantment
46 , The Lower Hub of Glamour
47 , The Lower Troop of The Paranormal
48 , The Lucent Axis of Spellweaving
49 , The Luminous Partnership of The Hidden Power
50 , The Lustrous Home of Malediction
51 , The Magnificent Residence of War Magic
52 , The Majestic Commons of Magnetism
53 , The Marvellous Locus of Sorcery
54 , The Mercurian Focus of Dwimmercraft
55 , The Middle Coven of Dissimulation
56 , The Military Phrontistery of Astrology
57 , The Model Chamber of Dwimmer
58 , The Montessori Hall of Hedge Magic
59 , The Most Radiant Fraternity of Experimentation
60 , The Noble Academe of Captivation
61 , The Northern Insititute of Abjuration
62 , The Official Finishing School of The Preternatural
63 , The Outer Order of Power
64 , The Paragon Board of The Strange
65 , The Peoples Cabinet of The Metaphysical
66 , The Primary Association of Mummery
67 , The Prime Consortium of Divination
68 , The Principal Compact of Phenomena
69 , The Proper Sodality of Alchemy
70 , The Public Chapter of Telestic
71 , The Radiant Centre of Illusionism
72 , The Ratified Seminary of Spellcraft
73 , The Recognised Senate of Chants
74 , The Republic Council of Witchery
75 , The Resplendent Chambers of The Platonic
76 , The Royal Cabal of Bodement
77 , The Sacred Sorority of The Supernal Realm
78 , The Sanctified Preparatory of Thaumaturgy
79 , The Sanctioned Market of Legerdemain
80 , The Second Club of Conjury
81 , The Secondary Conservatoire of Spellworking
82 , The Sideral Society of The Ineffable
83 , The Southern Congregation of Weaving
84 , The Standard Garden of Presage
85 , The Stellar Church of Hexes
86 , The Sublime Lyceum of Technomancy
87 , The Subsidiary Network of The Mysterious
88 , The Supreme Brotherhood of Prestidigitation
89 , The Traditional Ministry of Supernaturalism
90 , The Transcendent Department of The Supernatural Arts
91 , The Treasured Agency of Spells
92 , The Unearthly Panel of Immaterium
93 , The Upper Alliance of Wizardry
94 , The Upper Fellowship of The Second Sight
95 , The Venerable Lounge of Theurgy
96 , The Venerated Faculty of Diablerie
97 , The Venutian Bureau of The Supernatural
98 , The Vocational Cluster of Allurement
99 , The Warranted Seat of Hermetics
100 , The Western Omphalos of Incantations


Want to buy the PDF that was used to make this list? – Click HERE



One thought on “[List] 100…Names for a Magic Ruling Body

  1. Great content! Keep up the good work!

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