Discount Sale Badge Tag Price  - Victoria_Borodinova / Pixabay

Just going to use this Monday morning hilight to point to the mega sale I have on now, which will last until the end of April 🙂


Even though, at the time of posting this its April 1st, this is not a joke, honest! On right now, this bundle covers pratically everything I have on sale there for the silly low price of…


$34.99 !


You are reading that right!

Each item 50% off! or buy everything for $34.99! Regularly $289.35 Save 87%! on , if my maths is right and I not borked the count, 170+ PDFS!


The only items that are not will be a part of the budle are the ones(s) due to come out this month


Why are you doing this Chris I hear you ask?  Good question reader! – Several reasons exists for this infact, including but limited to in no particular order…


  • People are tight on cash right now for many, valid reasons
  • It helps to promote my store
  • Hopefully gets some sales there
  • It’s my birthday at the end of the month and want to give something back
  • I have not done one of these on yet
  • Why not!
  • Chloe T Cat told me to
  • Itch has a good system where if you want to pay more/tip/give extra support you can do so quite easy!


So, if you wanted to stock up my content now is the perfect time to do so!



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