Oh look a blog post! The end times have come after all! Just a quick one to let you know I have started a new page called, imaginatively – Lists !

Unlike the generators, which take words and phrases and combine them in new ways to help prompt your imagination, these lists are for when you know the sort of thing you want, but not the precise details. You need a tree, but not bothered about the type, or you need a gemstone type and so on.

These will be added to on an ongoing basis and are simple to use. Simply press the button and the code will select a random entry from the predefined lists. That’s it! As time goes by more sections will be added and if required moved to new sub-pages.

The format *will* change over the next few months as I iron out issues and get things the way I want. I don’t want too many lists on one page as it will slow everything down a ton and my hosting will not be happy. Will probably go with a rule along the lines of “If there are more than 3 lists pickers for the section they get a new sub-page”. Apologies in advance for any confusion this may cause.

Lastly, as this is a list-picker rather than a generator it is probably about 20 times easier to do (now i got the base format sorted) – If there is a list/picker you want to see, let me know!

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