Dungeon Feature – Traps

Traps. They are the bane of many a treasure seeker and explorer of ruins alike. They range from the humble, yet classic, pit trap, to the arcane enchanted one that messes with the nature of time itself, to everything else in between.

They serve multiple purposes from stopping would be thieves from making off with a valuable object to being a source of entertainment for a bored beast.

Whatever the reason, knowing more details about the trap will help you describe it.

Disclaimer: Although this series is called “Dungeon Feature”, anything within them can be used in other locations, such as houses, monster dens and even outside if appropriate.

Inside you’ll find tables to help with various aspect of traps:

Area – type
Area Size
Damage type

And 3 d100 tables for…
Effect (Expanded)
Object – For the trap itself or the trigger item
Trigger – Specific triggers for traps


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