Empire Builder Kit - History Generator

This weeks PDF hilight shows off part of the Empire Builder Kit range, namely, a generator for making an outline for your country or empires history (or maybe future vents): Empire Builder Kit – History Generator! Orginally released in October 2014, EBKHG  went on to get a Gold metal rating on DrivethruRPG, making it one of the top 3837 products (3.66%) and a solid 5 Star rating there as well! Despite this one being almost seven years old, I can remember having a lot of fun making this one. It’s formating is definalty not as good as some of my later ones, but, overall, I am quite happy with how this one turned out.

What happened before your empire was founded? What occurred before the current time? What about future possible events?

All these questions and more go towards fleshing out the details of your empires and kingdoms.

A small disclaimer – A random generator will never be as good as your imagination. Use this to jump start your own ideas or when you need to fill in the blank. Most of the entries are designed to prompt you and give vague details.


  • A guide for simple calendar creation and year naming
  • 18 catagories of events, such as birth, death, resources, espionage, disasters dieseases and more
  • 15+ sub-events for each catagory to bring more details into the events rather than simply “a disease” or “weather”
  • Each sub entry has a short paragraph to explain and expand on what the entry is about.
  • 40+ pages
  • Use this to create future possible events in your empire and world



Available at these online locations



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