Space Colonies & Starbases
A place of work and somewhere to call home for those who explore the stars
Space colonies and starbases are a staple of science fiction. They can be places of commerce, points of strategic interest and even just something as simple as a place to live. They come in many different sizes and designs, as varied as those who live and work in them.
This publication gives you a series of tables that, in vague and abstract terms so you are not bogged down with excessive details when focusing on your story, can help flesh your design for a starbase, or give you an idea of what is in the undecided area of the colony, or anything else of a similar nature.
Designed to be the cornerstone or hub for other sci-fi or starbase-themed PDFs and generators from Ennead Games, with those PDFs being stand-alone in their own right, but made with this in mind.
Gives you tables and ideas that cover…
- Age/Time Frame
- Automation Level
- Cargo/Storage
- Colour & Pattern
- Command Style
- Computer/Data Systems
- Communications
- Condition
- Crew
- Defences
- Districts/Modules/Rooms
- Fees
- Food/Drink Equivalent
- Law Level
- Location
- Morale Level
- Population
- Power
- Reason/Focus
- Resources
- Scanners
- Shape
- Style
- Trade Level
- Transport
- Weapons Systems
- Name – Prefix & Suffix
- Ident Code
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