Weekly Wednesday Update time!
First off, happy to say that the Croatian Earthquake Relief bundle on icth.io has met and exceeded it’ target goal! Currently sits at 110% which equals an amount raised $2,225.00 of the original goal of $2,000.00! Strictly speaking, the bindle doesn’t just feature PDFS, but because it has one of mine in it, I felt it appropriate to put it in this section.
Speaking of PDFs – The latest PDF from me is out now and is a quick generator, specifically “Quick Generator Battle/War Name”
I am fully expecting this to be a quiet month, especially after the January bills have come in, but that is ok.
On itchi there is a Lunar New Year sale starting next week, with 25% off all items. I relaised today that I have not done a Mega Budle on itch, So I think one is in order, probably about March time, where you can get all the Ennead Games PDFs on itch for a low price, for probably a week or 2. This is not 100% confirmed, but more an idea that is floating at the top of my brain right now.
World Anvil & World Building
Last week was World Building questions – click on the link below to be taken to the article page.
Tomorrow, I plan to have a short article made detailing something for my players, but also a major part of the campaign, an intro to the world they have dubbed “Westhalen” , Eatshalens technological twin, a parallel world that is the same yet focused on science and tech as opposed to the arcane.
Streaming and Vids
- Elder Scrolls Online (ESO) – If my maths/working things out is correct, the next stream on ESO (Thursday) will be one in which I finally complete the base campaign arc. Although I wanted to stream everything in chronological (game-wise) order, that wasn’t practical, so, with a bit of time travel shenanigans and so on things progressed. The base game has 3 campaigns, based around the three major powers. As Vah’len started in Elsweyr, the Khajiirthomeland, that for him was the “starting” zone. Then the base game/original arcs were worked on, with a few diversions here and there to pick up on skills, quickly pop to other zones etc. After this is done, if I am correct and the three timelines merge, then will be taking another diversion to do the Psijiic questline as that gives some good benefits – plus it fits in well with the story to me about how a humble Khajiit has now risen to become a major power in Tamreil , made friends killed Molag Bol, smited dragons and became a vampire – Joining what is, in a way, the Time Police , seems fitting.
- Gates of Oblivion (ESO Expansion) – Although it’s a long way of, I decided last night that when GOO comes out, Vah’len will take a short break and I will be creating, on stream, a new character (decided by chat), settings things up and doing the first few zones. This will not be a replacement for the main, but more a “Let’s see what the new tutorial and starting zone is like”. This will be one or two sessions at most.
- Farscape Watchparty – There isn’t much I can say about this right now apart from the fact that some VERY important episodes remain in the latter half of season 3. This has gone quick and with only 1 and a half-ish seasons remaining, I need to start picking out candidates for the next thing.
Goals and To-Do List
Ongoing Goals | Current | Goal # | To Go |
Twitter – Followers | 1,096 | 2000 | 904 |
Twitter – Tweets | 39461 | 50,000 | 10,539 |
Twitch – Followers | 222 | 1000 | 778 |
Youtube – Subscribers – Custom URL | 20 | 100 | 80 |
Youtube – Subscribers – Monetization | 20 | 1000 | 980 |
Youtube – Uploads | 198 | 200 | 2 |
Youtube – Views | 533 | 600 | 67 |
Two more vids, which is one more week, and I will have met a Youtube goal! The next will be pushing for 200 subscribers for the custom URL. The Twitch goal of 1,000 is more a target for the ESO streaming team.
Repeating Weekly Goals/Tasks | Done? |
Uploaded last weeks stream to YT | y |
Biweekly/Alternating Goals/Tasks | |
World Anvil Article | y |
World Building Prompt/Questions | n/a |
Released a PDF | y |
Irregular Goals/Tasks | |
Added PDF to PDF page on site | y |
Add a new generator to the gen page/updated old one | y |
Updated ideas/To-do list | y |
The Foundry Project
At the moment, hit a bit of a wall, mentally speaking with this. The phrase “Spoilt for choice” or “too many ideas/options” springs to mind where I made a tiny bit of progress but now, am almost overwhelmed with options the brain is going “nope!” – It’s not a problem, more an ongoing thing with the ASD/ADHD. But plinking away , making notes and doing what I can, when I can generally works. have things slowed down? yes. Have the stopped? not at all!
Other Stuff
Chloe T Cat, fuzzy overlord and my “supervisor” got attacked by another cat on Monday. This may not seem important to many people, but , because she had some blood on her and her ear a tiny bit torn, it made me have a full-blown panic attack. She is fine, but, well, for a few hours I was not lol. I bring this to alert people so if I seem to disappear for a day or so, it’s because I am dealing with her. Nothing indicates that she is in any trouble, but, with regards to her I am a bit, well over-cautious 🙂