Just a quick regular round-up today, nothing major to report.
No PDF out this week, so there was a hilight of an older one, namly, “Star System and Planet Maker”, which, if my maths is right, is about 15 – 20 copies away from hitting Platinum sales! Even if the number is wrong, its getting close!!
World Anvil
Last week was a article based on a prompt about childrens stories used to keep them in line, like the boogie man etc. My take on that was a creature called “The Ticking Phantom”
Something that was suggested to me on twitter that I will have to try out, maybe for the next WA article, is to use my content from the PDFs/Generators in WA, showing off what they can output etc. Its a damm good idea and one i’m going to be thinking about how to implement.
Streaming and Vids
- ESO – After being doubled crossed by that …git…. and his mother in ESO, Vah’len has now finally joined the Theives guild. And damm is it fun..and the fact that some of the guards have more HP than world boses (to stop people from going in and metahphrically nuking the place) did not escape my notice. For the first time in a loong time playing any MMO’s I was having to think tactically and NOT just smack them on the head. Loved it!. The new CP system does need some tweaking – It’s not perfect by any means, but I can see where they are going with it and what they are trying to do etc.
- Farscape Watch Party – 6 episodes down now of season 4 and 16 more to go, not including PeaceKeeper Wars. Oooh things have become definalty…interesting…espicaly with certain revaltions about [redacted]
Goals and To-Do List
Ongoing Goals | Current | Goal # | To Go |
Twitter – Followers | 1,092 | 2000 | 908 |
Twitter – Tweets | 39742 | 50,000 | 10,258 |
Twitch – Followers | 222 | 1000 | 778 |
Youtube – Subscribers | 21 | 25 | 4 |
Youtube – Uploads | 208 | 225 | 17 |
Youtube – Views | 546 | 600 | 54 |
Repeating Weekly Goals/Tasks | Done? |
Uploaded last weeks stream to YT | y* |
Biweekly/Alternating Goals/Tasks | |
Released a PDF | y |
World Anvil Article | n/a |
World Building Prompt/Questions | y |
Irregular Goals/Tasks | |
Add a new generator to the gen page/updated old one | n |
Added PDF to PDF page on site | y |
Managed to get the last “missing” batch of YT vids uploaded correctly, and the ones from last week as well, so now caught up. Yay!
The Foundry Project
Found two new macro codes last week on reddit of all places that makes interacting with other macros and so on easier. Still have to connect the various tables and whatno, but it makes them look much more snazzy and intuitive to use. Not 100% understanding how they work, BUT, I can see how they can be modfied to expand and so on.
Other Stuff
Nothing else to say, so will wish you all a good week 🙂