Update Publication Blog Smartphone  - viarami / Pixabay

It is wednesday and time for a shortish update.


The Quick Generator – Holy Book Name came out on Monday and got breifly into the top 10…which was nice. As a reminder from the next PDF onwards, the base price for quick gens will be $1.99 and everything else will be scalling from that. The usual early-bird discounts to existing customers etc will still apply – from drivethrurpg at least. Trying to figure out how to do that on itch has proved…frustrating for me.


Pretty much from now until either Balders Gate 3 or Cyberpunk 2077 comes out, will be playing Elder Scrolls Online. May take the ocassaional break for special events in say STO, or if it get bored, but as a Thing, thats going to be my streaming game.ย  If it turns out that BG3 or CP2077 is unplayable whilst streaming, then will revisting the gaming plan.



Going to be pushing/working on the YT side of things now, to go alongside the twitch/streaming stuff. In terms of set-up, streaming is as I want it. The major issue for the streams is conent, but that will be an ongoing thing. For now though, most of the streams will, on the monday they have streamed be going up to my YT channel. Speaking of the YT channel, have signed up with TubeBuddy for a trial to help with things in that regards, all to be part of “THE BRAND” ๐Ÿ˜€ That will, in theroy help me to improve how things look. I sadly dont have the time to edit the vids , which is why they will for the foreseeable future, they will still be raw stream footage, but I can at least try and make them look a bit better, give them title cards etc.

Once the vids are uplaoded this in turn will auto-update the Videos page on the site here, with the latest vid being the main focus.


Other Stuff

Whilst the site design is almost as I want it, it’s not there yet. So expect to see another layout/design change in the next week or so. Trying to keep the theme dark-ish so it doesnt blind people who use it and so on. Will mean the PDF page having to be re-done (again) but with the widgets thats is quite easy to do, just a bit time consuming.


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