What have I been up to this week:

  • Finished off content for Sci-Fi/Modern Antagonist concept quick generator
  • Have a full on derp moment when I realise I have not made a ship-name generator. The one I’m working on now seems to lend itself well to vessels of a pirate nature
  • Sort out the self-employed tax return – Surprisingly easy. Time-consuming making sure I had all the necessary information to hand, but very easy to file
  • Backed a Kickstarter I really want to be filled – The London Masters Guide  by Sean Hunt,  “A fantasy-themed tour book to England’s most storied city.”
  • Had a nice discussion on twitter about what being ASD is about, even if it was started off by a rather vulgar and misinformed article by another person
  • Watched Good Omens. Well, I say watched more like “I’ll watch one episode now and oh dear I appear to have watched all six episodes in one go” – To say this series is a masterpiece is to do it a disservice. It’s spot on to the book, has a few new things thrown in for good measure, but has a LOT of love for the original work and it shows. Sir Pterry would have been proud!
  • Finished off a three-parter DnD game which had our heroes return home, even if one of them may have made a very bad, yet justifiable some might say, decision
  • Finished sorting out my completed projects folder. Made me realise just how much stuff I have made over the years


Plans for this upcoming week:

  • Finish off the Ship Name Quick Gen
  • Plan out the Star Trek Adventures episode for this weekend
  • Do some more tinkering on the Streamlabs stream web-page. I’ll go over this more once I am happy with things, but for now, it can be found HERE
  • Come up with some more ideas for name makers, including some real-world countries/cultures
  • Work on adding some more ideas to my Idea list


Plans for the future with no time frame or are ongoing

  • Find more places to sell my PDFs
  • Find more places I can promote my stuff
  • Look into making first 5e product
  • Tweak/push Twitch/streaming more

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