Divination Magic

Use magic to get the information you require

Dispite what some may tell you, divination is not temporal magic. We gain insight, seek guidance and desire to be pointed in the right direction

— The Art of Divination

 Divination magic is the art of knowing about a subject through supernatural means. Originally, Divination, or “to be inspired by a god”, is the attempt to gain insight into a question or situation by way of an occultic, standardized process or ritual. There are as many means of divination as there are practitioners. Temporal Magic and Divination should not be confused. In fact many practitioners of divination can get offended when doing so. Apart from the legality of things, temporal magic tends to require a high amount of precision to get right, whilst divination is more of an art with room for interpretation and free will and so on.  

Types of Divination Magic

D100 Divination Type
1 Abacomancy
2 Acultomancy
3 Aeromancy
4 Alectryomancy
5 Alphitomancy
6 Amniomancy
7 Anthropomancy
8 Apantomancy
9 Astragalomancy
10 Astrology
11 Auramancy
12 Axinomancy
13 Belomancy
14 Bibliomancy
15 Biorhythm
16 Botanomancy
17 Brontomancy
18 Canomancy
19 Capnomancy
20 Carromancy
21 Cartomancy
22 Catoptromancy
23 Cephalomancy
24 Ceromancy
25 Choriomancy
26 Chresmomancy
27 Clamancy
28 Conchomancy
29 Cottabomancy
30 Cromniomancy
31 Cryomancy
32 Crystal Gazing
33 Cyclicomancy
34 Dactylomancy
35 Demonomancy
36 Dictiomancy
37 Dowsing
38 Dracomancy
39 Drimimancy
40 Eleomancy
41 Entomomancy
42 Eromancy
43 Extispicy
44 Favomancy
45 Felidomancy
46 Fractomancy
47 Fructomancy
48 Gastromancy
49 Genethlialogy
50 Geomancy
51 Grammomancy
52 Graphology
53 Gyromancy
54 Hakata
55 Hematomancy
56 Hepatomancy
57 Horoscopy
58 Hydatomancy
59 Hyomancy
60 Hypnomancy
61 Ichnomancy
62 Iridology
63 Knissomancy
64 Labiomancy
65 Lampadomancy
66 Macharomancy
67 Maculomancy
68 Molybdomancy
69 Myomancy
70 Myrmomancy
71 Necromancy
72 Numerology
73 Odontomancy
74 Ooscopy
75 Ophiomancy
76 Palmistry
77 Pedomancy
78 Phyllomancy
79 Pyromancy
80 Runecasting
81 Scapulomancy
82 Sciomancy
83 Shadowmancy
84 Sideromancy
85 Solaromancy
86 Spasmatomancy
87 Sphondulomancy
88 Spodomancy
89 Stercomancy
90 Stigonomancy
91 Tiromancy
92 Topomancy
93 Transataumancy
94 Umbilicomancy
95 Umbromancy
96 Uranomancy
97 Urticariaomancy
98 Xenomancy
99 Xylomancy
100 Zygomancy


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