Planet Xiroph

As I work on ramping back up the frequency at which I post on the blog, the “well obviously” type of thought occurs to me that I can when stuck for ideas/content or having a bad brain day (like today) I can repost older articles, with maybe a minor edit or two. As this week’s theme is “stars and planets”, it makes perfect sense for me to show an article about my homebrew world and the odd nature of its four moons.


The Cosmology of Easthalen

The Four orbit us, to remind us of the gods of old, not the new ones that took up the mantle when required.
Would not surprise me if that is where they went, with each pantheon their own moon.
Rather sad we cant go there….still..I am wondering why there are four….?

The Four Moons

 Easthalen is a world with four known moons. Other numerous smaller and irregular objects can be discovered. Old tales from Pre-Barrier times match up, mostly, with what is currently observed in orbit. Due to the fact they are beyond the barrier, they can only be seen and not travelled to, even with the most potent of spells, due to the globe like Great Barrier  Officially, there are four objects classed as a “moon” in orbit of the world on which Easthalen sits. 

  • Albias
  • Berona
  • Chamala
  • Doctrana

Albias Orbit – 10 days, innermost fast and smallest of the four, has a white tint to it. 

Berona Orbit – 20 days, the second fastest, is the next in order. Has a greyish tint to it .
Chamala Orbit – 40 days, third in the progression larger then its other siblings , has a reddish tint to its soil.
Doctrana Orbit – 80 days – largest and slowest of the four. Furthest away from the planet. Has a metallic blueish silver look to it.  
The Ring At certain locations, especially in the southern most parts of the world, dangerously close to the Great Barrier  and well within The Bleed  at certain times of the year, with a powerful enough viewing method (spell or tech), the edges of a ring in orbit of the world can be seen.  

Curious Facts


  • The orbits cycles are perfect, down to a few seconds – A common joke is that several timepieces are set by the orbits of the moons they are that accurate
  • The distances between the moons are non-variable, They do not move from their orbits.
  • The first letter names of the moons is A, B, C and D
  • There is no mention in any of the creation texts or legends from any of the major races about the Overseer and the First Generation creating any moons until about 10,000 years before the creation of the Great Barrier. Not even Biblios  has any reference to the moons before that time period – This leads some to believe that the moons are all artificial or brought from elsewhere., which simply raises further questions…
  • A few stories that do exist from that time have mention of a 5th larger moon that could be argued to be a sister planet, that was destroyed to form The Ring.
  • Due to the angle and placement, The Ring can only be seen in the south most, and very dangerous, area of Easthalen – This has caused many to believe it does not even exist.
  • The name of the planet on which Easthalen resides was scrubbed from all historical records and living memory by Halen as part of his ritual for unknown reasons. Debates and meetings from the various organisations about what the planet is called and what it should be called for now occur on a regular basis.


The World Anvil Page for the article listed above can be found HERE.

I have two World Anvil settings:

Easthalen – My homebrew campaign world, details of which can be found HERE.

Guideville- my world that I use for tutorials and examples, can be found HERE

Want to know more about World Anvil? (Affliate Link)

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