1 – The dance of spell gestures is followed by a motion similar to tossing a ball. The recipient does not look too happy….

2 – A hollow pop sounds as you bring your fingers together in the proper somatic order. A flash of orange energy culminates in an explosion of flame at your target.

3 – With practiced movement of your hands and appropriate words, you summon the magical energy you require before unleashing it at your opponent, causing him to cry out in pain.

4 – That is the worst magic I’ve seen since Eron the Toothless cast Attack of the Collywobbles on a Death Elemental!

5 – Your opponent stands mesmerized by your hand movements and hypnotic speech. He looks confused for a second, and then his eyes start darting back and forth as your spell of paranoia takes effect.

6 – You chant the words of power and your fingertips glow with energy, causing your target to writhe with pain.

7 – The dance of spell gestures is followed by a motion similar to tossing a ball. The recipient does not look too happy….

8 – With practiced movement of your hands and appropriate words, you summon the magical energy you require before unleashing it at your opponent, causing him to cry out in pain.
9 – You lower your hand to witness the carnage wrought by your mere gesture and utterance. The smell of burnt flesh assails your nostrils as you gaze at the charred, smoking bodies left in the wake of your power.
10 – “Vah bein sha’bannah!” The end of the incantation echoes through the hall. Your foe stops short, jerking his body unnaturally. He doubles over and a gentle glow begins to emanate from his body. It brightens for the next few moments, and his cry of surprise becomes an annoyed “meow!” The light dims and in his place is a small calico cat, sunning himself in the light coming through the window.

Created by using : Tablesmith

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