The Association of the Cobblers, by of Pithin (Fiction)
By Anniora
• A thick work, in terrible condition, with covers of scales stretched over thin wood.
• Written in Common.
• The book is ancient (2500 years).
• The parchment pages are unbound, but wrapped with a leather cord.
• There is a bookmark near the end.
• An excellent introduction to the subject.
Value: 250 gp


The War of Jamiria, by Pallo Vienica and II
By Thorric of Boleft
• A thick work, in average condition, with covers of leather.
• Written in Common.
• The parchment pages are loose.
• Numerous illustrations contribute nothing, but the writing is good.
Value: 700 gp


On Conjuring, by Carpas
By Thorfinna Erlingsdottir
• A thin volume, in poor condition, with covers of heavy wood.
• Written in Dwarven.
• The wood pages are unbound, but wrapped with a hemp cord.
• Much of the content has been stolen from Filipe di Buey ‘s Dunael Reader.
Value: 550 gp


Order of the Maids, by Tina St. Lancaster (Fiction)
By Juan Alverton II
• A thick work, in average condition, with covers of thin wood.
• Written in Dwarven.
• The parchment pages are sewn into the spine.
• The covers have runes carved around their edges.
• Little original content, mainly repeats what is already found in of The Plains’s Grimoire on Demon Binding.
Value: 350 gp


the First’s Classic Thyatian Reader
By Cora di Santa Llosa
• Average in size, in good condition, with covers of deerhide.
• Written in Elven.
• The book is very old (400 years).
• The stamped metal pages are sewn into the spine.
• There is a written dedication at the front of the book.
• Light but entertaining.
Value: 350 gp


The Tales of the Nine Hunters, by IV (Fiction)
By Regina di Allende
• Average in size, in poor condition, with covers of deerhide.
• Written in Elven.
• The book is quite old (100 years).
• The woven hemp pages are bound with metal rings.
• A work of average quality, useful for novices.
Value: 200 gp


Thyatian to Orc Dictionary, by Goatsky Doghorn
By Derviþ Goyman
• A thin volume, in average condition, with covers of heavy wood.
• Written in Common.
• The book is quite old (200 years).
• The vellum pages are bound with metal rings.
• A work of average quality, useful for novices.
Value: 750 gp


The Trek of Panya Rafiki , by V (Fiction)
By Bjorghild Vandradsdottir
• A thick work, in average condition, with covers of polished metal.
• Written in Dwarven.
• The book is quite old (200 years).
• The parchment pages are sewn into the spine.
• Much of the content has been stolen from Thoughts on Curses, by Chäsuvucholid Prejuma Jhonuviralum of Kourlios.
Value: 450 gp


Voyage to the pits of the seven Neighbor’s Wifes, by of The Sea (Fiction)
By Gurlowen Godmorna
• Average in size, in average condition, with covers of deerhide.
• Written in Common.
• The book is quite old (100 years).
• The vellum pages are loose.
• There is a written dedication at the front of the book, in an indecipherable language.
• Numerous illustrations do nothing to help the poor quality of the content.
Value: 400 gp


The origin of The Queen’s Harvest, by the First
By Shonagh Dempsey
• Average in size, in good condition, with covers of deerhide.
• Written in Dwarven.
• The book is quite old (100 years).
• The woven hemp pages are sewn into the spine.
• A picture of a reclining frog adorns the cover.
• Adds nothing to the field, but its organization makes for an excellent reference.
Value: 750 gp



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