1. The Cult of Andomalius is a Vestige Cult. The cultist pay homage to Andomalius who is an ancient power. Andomalius is known as The Repentant Rogue.
  2. The Cult of Shax is a Vestige Cult. The cultist pay homage to Shax who is an ancient power. Shax is known as The Sea Sister.
  3. The Cult of Balam is a Vestige Cult. The cultist pay homage to Balam who is an ancient power. Balam is known as The Bitter Angel.
  4. The Cult of Yan-C-Bin is a Elemental Cult. The cultist believe in the evil powers of elemental lords. Yan-C-Bin is known as The Prince of Evil Air creatures.
  5. The Cult of Graz’zt is a Demon Cult. The cultist offer alligance the demon Graz’zt. Graz’zt is known as The Dark Prince.
  6. The Cult of Tharizdun is a God Cult. This cult is a splinter group of followers not adhearing to the teachings of the priests of Tharizdun. Tharizdun is known as The Chained God.
  7. The Cult of Zuggtmoy is a Demon Cult. The cultist offer alligance the demon Zuggtmoy. Zuggtmoy is known as The Demoness Lady of Fungi.
  8. The Cult of Yan-C-Bin is a Elemental Cult. The cultist believe in the evil powers of elemental lords. Yan-C-Bin is known as The Prince of Evil Air creatures.
  9. The Cult of Baphomet is a Demon Cult. The cultist offer alligance the demon Baphomet. Baphomet is known as The Prince of Beasts.
  10. The Cult of Yan-C-Bin is a Elemental Cult. The cultist believe in the evil powers of elemental lords. Yan-C-Bin is known as The Prince of Evil Air creatures.


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