Drug: Distilled Iron Toxin
The Vial has a triangular shape and the glass is citron, it has vertical ribbing texture. The liquid in the vial is opaque ebony, it taste like fresh apples, and it has a musty smell.
Addiction Rating: High
Drug Delivery Inhaled
Satiation: 2 days     Damage: 1d6 Dex/Wis, 1d2 Con
Initial Effect: User is panicked for 1d4+1 rounds and can only take partial actions for 1d6 minutes after that.
Secondary Effect: 1d4+1 enhancement bonus to Charisma for 1d10+15 minutes
Side Effects: None
Overdose: If more than one dose is taken in a 8-hour period, the user immediately takes 1 point of temporary Dexterity damage.
Save: Fortitude (DC 14)
Cost: 840 gp
CR: 7

Tobacco: Cool Guard
Effects: None.
Side Effects: Headache.
Cost: 4 sp

Tobacco: Ranger’s Coca
Effects: None.
Side Effects: Headache.
Cost: 4 sp

Tobacco: Ruffian’s Strawberry
Effects: Calming.
Side Effects: -2 to Constitution for 5 minutes.
Cost: 2 sp

Tobacco: Special Sergant
Effects: None.
Side Effects: Headache.
Cost: 4 sp

Drug: Distilled Halflingrot
The Vial has a coffin shape , it has hobnails texture. The liquid in the vial is scintilating lemon, it taste like honey, and it has a damp,humid smell.
Addiction Rating: Medium
Drug Delivery Contact
Satiation: 5 days     Damage: 1d4 Dex, 1d4 Wis
Initial Effect: +2 to Bluff/Diplomacy for 1d4 hours.
Secondary Effect: 2 point of temporary Wisdom damage
Side Effects: This causes euphoria. While the drug is in effect, the user takes a -2 penalty on all initiative checks.
Overdose: Those who take this drug more than once in 24 hours must make a separate save (Fort DC 25 negates) or die in terrible pain.
Save: Fortitude (DC 20)
Cost: 3,195 gp
CR: 5

Tobacco: Harsh Scoudrel
Effects: +2 to Dexterity for 5 minutes and +1 to Perform for 10 minutes.
Side Effects: None.
Cost: 115 sp

Drug: Clear Iron Powder
The Vial has a triangular shape and the glass is clear, it has horizontal ribbing texture. The powder in the vial is clear, it taste like sour wine, and it has a putrid smell.
Addiction Rating: Vicious
Drug Delivery Ingestion
Satiation: 1 day     Damage: 1d8 Dex/Wis,1d6 Con/Str
Initial Effect: User is sickened for 1d4+1 minutes.
Secondary Effect: +2 alchemical bonus to all ability scores for 1d2 hours
Side Effects: Feelings of intense pleasure last for 1d4 hours.
Overdose: Those who take this drug more than once in 24 hours must make a separate save (Fort DC 25 negates) or die in terrible pain.
Save: Fortitude (DC 39)
Cost: 510 gp
CR: 9

Tobacco: Sneaky Magician
Effects: None.
Side Effects: None.
Cost: 5 sp

Tobacco: Duelist’s Vanilla
Effects: None.
Side Effects: Headache.
Cost: 4 sp


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