1. Your arrow whistles through the air and hits your opponent in the chest. He suddenly inhales and staggers to maintain his balance. You see him looking at the ground with a blank stare as he attempts to regain focus on his surroundings.
  2. The target winces in pain as the shot grazes their thigh and embeds itself in the floor behind.
  3. You curse as your shot goes wide, but your enemy dodges a thrust from a comrade and dances right into your arrow. You hear a yelp of pain as the arrow lodges itself into the enemy’s shoulder.
  4. You slowly squeeze the trigger and send your bolt arcing over the melee chaos, striking squarely through an opening in your target’s armor.
  5. Your shot pierces your target’s lower side, with both the impact and accompanying cry of pain going unheard amongst the din of battle.
  6. The target winces in pain as the shot grazes their thigh and embeds itself in the floor behind.
  7. The missile sings through the air, an aria that ends between the ribs of your foe.
  8. Your shot pierces your target’s lower side, with both the impact and accompanying cry of pain going unheard amongst the din of battle.
  9. With a crunch heard across the battle, your strike flies true and leaves your enemy bleeding!
  10. Watching your foe, you notice he always ducks behind his shield and then pops up on the left to see what happened. Thus you are ready, and your arrow finds the mark the next time he ducks, slicing in and hitting as his face appears on the left of his shield.



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