Non-Magical statue: gargantuesque white marble statue of long-dead person (Ernata, a male half-orc, fighter from this country.)

Magical idol: medium-sized limestone idol of a deity (Gorm (KAR IOD OCH)) teleports the party in a random direction (different for each person) unless any spell is cast on it

Magical idol: medium-sized white marble idol of a deity (Kagyar (DAR HEL KAR MIN NOR NOW ROC THY)) gives the party an omen (A marvelous ruby is resplendent.) when any spell is cast on it

Non-Magical statue: huge white marble statue of whale, orca (aquatic) (animal)

Non-Magical statue: huge wooden statue of a deity (Thanatos (Old One DEN HIN THY))

Magical statue: huge limestone statue of a deity (Hattani Stoneclaw (ATR)) gives the party an omen (The work is graceful, a reason finds subtle differences in a center.) when any magic is used in the vicinity

Non-Magical statue: gargantuesque limestone statue of a deity (Eiryndul (ALA ALP MIN ALF IOD MAZ OCH))

Non-Magical idol: gargantuesque wooden idol of a deity (Noumena (HOW IOD NEV))

Magical idol: medium-sized limestone idol of a deity (Alphatia (ALP NOW IOD BEL)) heals (moderate 2d8+11) all party members (within 10′) when any part of the statue is touched

Non-Magical statue: medium-sized burgundy marble statue of eagle

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