Generated using the charts in “Novus Draco

Name:Lrathirralax the Killer

Base dragon: Blue
Scales: Red – Same as base mottling
Back: Plates – Double row
Head: Crocodile – no horns
Eyes: 4 White Normal eyes
Jaws/Mouth: Beak – Short
Wings: Qty:4 Bat Edges:Small controllable flaps (improved manoeuvrability)
Limbs(not wings): No Limbs (lose both claw attacks and -2 CR)
Talons: Normal
Tail: Whip like (long and thin)
Scars/battle damage: Acid burn across the face and body

Name:Autha raali II
Base dragon: Black
Scales: Silver – Dark shade of main colour on top, with lighter shade on bottom
Back: Bumps – single ridge
Head: Normal/Same as base/Other
Eyes: 2 White Normal eyes
Jaws/Mouth: Beak – Long
Wings: Qty:2 Butterfly – colourful Edges:Small bumps
Limbs(not wings): No Limbs (lose both claw attacks and -2 CR)
Talons: Poison tipped (Injury, DC equal to 10+ age category, 1d2 from a random stat for 6 rounds)
Tail: Armoured/Thick scales
Scars/battle damage: Tail is slow to move


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