Campaign Chunks is taking a break until the new year, but to make up for it two new name generators have been added, both from Europe, bringing the total number of name generators now live up to an impressive 24, with more on the way.

Sample Names

Norse (click to go to the generator)

Female Male
Aslaug Audunsdottir Arngeir Ivarsson
Ase Aellasdottir Vandrad Budlisson
Ljod Fridleifsdottir Hedin Hordsson
Thorgerd Tindsdottir Hymling Gustsson
Yngvild Rodstaffsdottir Holmstein Hedinsson

Hungarian (click to go to the generator)

Female Male
Barcelke Rozalike Lukjan Orzsucika
Bogaroordo Malina Pisenz Janara
Udvaridra Zsaelia Petpad Tecoti
Balazna Daruci Amard Jucisztina
Arazod Vivigana Sodizar Vikara


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