A blatantly sadistic Soldier of Human Heritage by the name of Lola Pearchequalled is taking bets that the Party will not be able to find and return with a Shrieker, alive, within 16 hours.

The woman is willing to lay 62 Gold Pieces against the terms of the bet at 1/1 Odds. There are no Other takers so the Total Buy-In for this particular Wager is 62 Gold Pieces. The Payoff for this Wager is 124 Gold Pieces if the Terms of the bet are met.

Shriekers do indeed, inhabit this area. Here are the Stats should they elect to take the bet:

Patch of Shriekers

Fungus; shrieker (4): medium plant; CR: 1; HD: 2d8+2 (11 hp); Init: –5; Spd: 0 ft.; AC: 8 (–5 Dex, +3 natural), touch 5, flat-footed 8; BAB/Grapple: +1/–4; Atk: —; Full Atk: —; Space/Reach: 5 ft./0 ft.; SA: shriek; SQ: low-light vision, plant traits; AL: always neutral; SV: Fort +4, Ref —, Will –4; Attributes: Str —, Dex —, Con 13, Int —, Wis 2, Cha 1; Skills: —; Feats: —;

A slightly bleary-eyed Patron of Gnomish Heritage by the name of Gale Nailer the Aunt is betting that (a Random Player) will not be able to find and map a route to Room 18 .

The man is willing to lay 47 Gold Pieces against the terms of the bet at 1/1 Odds. There are 3 other takers at 28 GP, 38 GP, and 34 GP respectively, so the Total Buy-In for this particular Wager is 147 Gold Pieces. The Payoff for this Wager is 294 Gold Pieces if the Terms of the bet are met.


An obviously tipsy Patron of Elven Heritage by the name of Lirinrynar Sylynion is wagering that the Party will not be able to find and return with a Grimlock within 8 hours.

The man is willing to lay 55 Gold Pieces against the terms of the bet at 1/1 Odds. There are 3 other takers at 18 GP, 46 GP, and 38 GP respectively, so the Total Buy-In for this particular Wager is 157 Gold Pieces. The Payoff for this Wager is 314 Gold Pieces if the Terms of the bet are met. If the required creature is returned alive and well, the man is willing to pay an additional 660 Gold Piece Bonus.

This bet is actually a Red Herring. Grimlocks can not be found here.

Created by using : Tablesmith

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