A blustering, inebriated Sellsword of indeterminant Racial Heritage by the name of Falastur is wagering that the Party will not be able to recover the man’s Sword .

This sword (scimitar) is made of brass. The hilt has two pieces to it, a curved upper guard and the grip which is made from leather. Strange runes (a hand clutching a crown next to a writhing snake) run the length of its blade. The blade is rusty. It was crafted by Tazafir Sidisumah, in the Iraisia.

The man is willing to lay 45 Gold Pieces against the terms of the bet at 4/1 Odds. There are 2 other takers at 20 GP, and 5 GP respectively, so the Total Buy-In for this particular Wager is 70 Gold Pieces. The Payoff for this Wager is 350 Gold Pieces if the Terms of the bet are met.

The item was originally located on Level 2, in room #50. It is currently located on Level 1, in room #24.


A blustering, drunk Patron of Human Heritage by the name of Zona is taking bets that the Party will not be able to recover the woman’s Maternal Grandfather’s Sword within 32 hours.

This sword (long sword) is made of brass. The hilt has two pieces to it, a tourmaline cabochon and the grip which is made from raven’s essence. Strange runes (a crown perched atop a ship in the coils of a serpent) run the length of its back. The blade is in excellent shape. It was crafted by Mobglobglaz Red Axe , in the Logrid.

The woman is willing to lay 39 Gold Pieces against the terms of the bet at 2/1 Odds. There are 5 other takers at 5 GP, 37 GP, 18 GP, 22 GP, and 23 GP respectively, so the Total Buy-In for this particular Wager is 144 Gold Pieces. The Payoff for this Wager is 432 Gold Pieces if the Terms of the bet are met.

The item was originally located on Level 1, in room #26. It is currently located on Level 1, in room #28.


A blatantly curious Sellsword of Half Elven Heritage by the name of Merril Auorirnar is taking bets that the Party will not be able to recover a snowflake(s) statue made of mithril (60 gp).. It was a Family Heirloom.

The man is willing to lay 51 Gold Pieces against the terms of the bet at 3/1 Odds. There are 5 other takers at 12 GP, 43 GP, 36 GP, 10 GP, and 49 GP respectively, so the Total Buy-In for this particular Wager is 201 Gold Pieces. The Payoff for this Wager is 804 Gold Pieces if the Terms of the bet are met. If the object is returned intact, the man is willing to pay an additional 100 Gold Piece Bonus.

The item was originally located on Level 1, in room #13. It is currently located on Level 1, in room #24.


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