Distilled Griffinbane
The Vial has an oval shape and the glass is greenish yellow, it has vertical ribbing texture. The liquid in the vial is translucent turquoise, it taste like fresh Lychee, and it has a burnt smell.
Type: Injury
Intial Damage: 2d4 Str
Secondary Damage: 1d4 Dex
Save: Fortitude (DC18)
Cost: 940 gp
CR: 3
Story Use: The victim feels really tired, feeling really weak. Following the primary effect, the victim feels dizzy and loses some of its balance.
Distilled White Ash Root
The Vial has an irregular hex (Differing side lengths) shape and the glass is dull tan, it has hobnails texture. The liquid in the vial is wooden lavender, it has no taste, and it has a stale, fetid smell.
Type: Inhaled
Intial Damage: Permanent Paralysis + 1 Cha
Secondary Damage: 1d4 Con
Save: Fortitude (DC11)
Cost: 2,875 gp
CR: 10
Story Use: The victim has an unnatural headache, causing him to yell in pain. Also, the victim feels dizzy and weak.
The Vial has a coffin shape and the glass is yellow amber, it has vertical ribbing texture. The liquid in the vial is cinnamon, it has a burned taste, and it has a fishy smell.
Type: Inhaled
Intial Damage: 1d6 day(s) Temporary Paralysis + 1 Con
Secondary Damage: 1 Str
Save: Fortitude (DC19)
Cost: 2,250 gp
CR: 10
Story Use: The victim’s breath is loud and heavy, showing how strong the poison is affecting him. Also, the victim’s muscles spasm incontrollably causing them to be unable to produce any strength.


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