Title: The Reference of Religions, by of The Desert
Description: The book is average in size, with covers of scales stretched over thin wood. The parchment pages are unbound, but wrapped with a hemp cord. In addition, there is a drawing of several men battling a sphinx on the cover and there is an odd, geometric pattern on the cover.
Condition: Terrible
Value: 300 gold crowns.

Title: Undercommon Reader, by of Votin
Description: The book is average in size, with covers of thin wood. The papyrus pages are unbound, but wrapped with a leather cord.
Condition: Excellent
Value: 700 gold crowns.

Title: The War of the Pearl, by the Adept
Description: The book is a hefty tome, with covers of leather. The woven hemp pages are unbound, but wrapped with a hemp cord. In addition, the covers have runes carved around their edges.
Condition: Superb
Value: 300 gold crowns.

Title: Adventures of the Nine Cobblers, by the Mighty (Fiction)
Description: The book is a thin volume, with covers of leather. The vellum pages are bound with metal rings.
Condition: Superb
Value: 550 gold crowns.

Title: Misadventures of Henutnen Padmosnut , by of The Desert
Description: The book is average in size, with covers of leather. The parchment pages are sewn into the spine. In addition, the book bears a small metal lock.
Condition: Average
Value: 400 gold crowns.


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