The dagger is a long and heavy dagger with a curved blade sharpened only on the outer part forged from bronze. The blade is fixed on a circular hilt sculpted from the ivory of a walrus with a smooth grip made of black crystal. A philosophical phrase (A pledge of upholding the pure) in ornate writing (Brasolian) is carved into the blade. The blade is in excellent shape. It was crafted by Aristyxis Geksos, in the Hardin.


The dagger is long with a thin and pointed blade forged in grayish steel. The blade is fixed on a rich navy metal hilt inlayed with gold and platinum. The blade is in excellent shape. It was crafted by Éabha MacWilliam, in the Gorenarn.


The dagger is a long and rough knife made from grayish steel. The blade is fixed on a circular hilt sculpted from the ivory of an elephant covered in brown leather. A set of strange runes (unicorn-shaped) are carved into the blade near the spine . The blade is in excellent shape. It was crafted by Melorros Aerrylras, in the Kwetzatl.


The dagger is a long and rough knife forged from silver. The blade is fixed to a hilt of black metal covered in brown leather. A single rune (a circle) is carved into the middle of its spine. The blade is in excellent shape. It was crafted by Ermengarda di Mendoza, in the Elakamos.


The dagger is a long knife with a sturdy and stocky one-edged blade forged in bronze. The blade is fixed on a rich hilt of gold metal covered in snakeskin. The blade appears brand new. It was crafted by Teohuazci Azcachiutal, in the Kwetzatl.


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