History of the Heavens, by the Blue
By Faradas
• A thin volume, in excellent condition, with covers of deerhide.
• Written in Common.
• The book is quite old (200 years).
• The stamped metal pages are sewn into the spine.
• Well-written but difficult to understand for non-experts.
Value: 400 gp


the Lost’s Scroll on Forbidden Magic
By Arnulfo Hanville
• A thin volume, in average condition, with covers of thin wood.
• Written in Common.
• The book is very old (400 years).
• The parchment pages are sewn into the spine.
• Well-written but difficult to understand for non-experts.
Value: 400 gp


The Struggle of Kwetzatl, by Aegispoulos Nekrorimos
By Oscar Ambuehl
• Average in size, in good condition, with covers of heavy wood.
• Written in Elven.
• The book is very old (200 years).
• The wood pages are unbound, but wrapped with a leather cord.
• An excellent treatise on the subject.
Value: 350 gp

II ‘s Modern Atruaghin Dialect Reader
By Tadeshi Onko
• Average in size, in excellent condition, with covers of leather.
• Written in Dwarven.
• The book is very old (600 years).
• The parchment pages are unbound, but wrapped with a leather cord.
• The writing appears to be that of a madman.
Value: 450 gp


The Ramifications of the Azcan Empire (4000BC-1700BC), by Lunga Shirku-a
By Zelerla
• A hefty tome, in average condition, with covers of deerhide.
• Written in Celestial.
• The dried skin pages are unbound, but wrapped with a leather cord.
• A list of dwarven names can be found near the end of the book.
• A work of average quality, useful for novices.
Value: 550 gp


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