Roncador Cay
What is the Coast Like? Ringed by reefs
Is it Inhabited? Powerful city ruling an island Kingdom
If Settled, What’s Going on? At war with another island nearby
Interesting Places: Island just off the coast
Inhabitants: Poisonous Snakes

Isla de Orange
What is the Coast Like? Ringed by high cliffs
Is it Inhabited? No settlements; uninhabited by humans
Interesting Places: Ruined fortress
Inhabitants: Jaguars

Fragoso Cay
What is the Coast Like? Ringed by sand banks
Is it Inhabited? No settlements; uninhabited by humans
Interesting Places: Spanish monastery & Secretive tower
Inhabitants: Poisonous Snakes

Cay Scotland
What is the Coast Like? Ringed by smooth, sandy beaches
Is it Inhabited? Powerful city ruling an island Kingdom
If Settled, What’s Going on? At war with another island nearby
Interesting Places: Island just off the coast
Inhabitants: Sharks

Green Rock
What is the Coast Like? Ringed by sand banks
Is it Inhabited? No settlements; uninhabited by humans
Interesting Places: Spanish monastery
Inhabitants: Caiman


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