Things have gone quite smooth (touches wood) so far this week with regards to catching up on things. All but two projects have been recovered and restored to the state they were before the HD crash and having to get a new work machine. One, a quick generator, is going to have to be re-done from scratch. The other is my sessions/season plan for Star Trek Adventures. The last is not an issue as much as it sounds – I have had some ideas about other ways of doing things and this is giving me the perfect opportunity to get the groundwork sorted in a better fashion.

All in all, things have, considering the shenanigans of the last couple of weeks, gone much smoother.

I do have one small bit of sad news though  – Phil from Tales of a GM is retiring his blog, so this means no more posts on Saturday. I will try to find something else to fill this gap – will probably be the STA missions reports or something similar, once the game is underway, its not been 100% decided yet.

In the meantime, as its the 21st of December, I want to wish every a merry Yule and a happy winter solstice!

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