The Music , Recording and Associated Sciences Award (MRAS) is an annual award given to those achieve greatness in the music industry. Established 99 years ago, the award has quickly become the most popular award in the industry, although those outside the music industry view it as quaint and not important. Winning an MRAS can be the pinnacle of an artists career or the start of a newcomers rise to true stardom.

The award is a small golden harp on a pedestal with the award winners name on a small plaque underneath. Tradition dictates that the awards are made fresh each year from a master mold, which in turn is cast from the original award. The award is made by a different company or sculpture each year and the vetting process to even be considered is quite stringent.

The award ceremony it self is a big, almost gala like event. There is a master host, with guest hosts announcing individual nominees and presenting awards.

The MRAS award covers any genre and medium, but there are some ever-changing critria that must be met before being submitted. To put it simply, the more popular something is, the greater the chance of being admitted to the final 4 nominees.

Apart from the genre and medium awards, some of the special awards given out are:

  • Lifetime achievement – For lifetime achievement
  • Hall of Fame – Awarded for those that are considered to be “classics”
  • Judges Choice – This is one in which the judges themselves nominate a recipient for an award and is voted on by other judges.

Hooks & Rumours

  • For the 3rd year in a row, attempts have been to steal the nomination list before the big night. The same clues are found at the scene.
  • Is it the same group or someone trying to frame them?
  • With the 100 year anniversary of the MRASA approaching a massive gala is planned and a major guest host in rumoured to be hosting. Security is to be tightened and the PCs are hired as consultants
  • The original award has been stolen and needs to be recovered.
  • A new category is considered to be added this year and the PC are invited to be guest judges.
  • There has been a rising number of complaints about the possibility of the system being rigged or nominations being purchased by bribes and “gifts”
  • One of the PCs has been nominated for a special award for one of their pieces

This was created based on the ideas in this post:

Stuck for ideas for your campaign or story?

Article Used as Inspiration:Grammy Award

Stats and details are expressed in generic terms to allow for use in as many games and genres as possible. As with other Campaign Chunks this is designed to be used as a starting block for your own ideas.

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