Presented here are 10 random cultural customs. Roll a D10 to decide what one to use or pick the one you like

  1. This culture immediately comes to mind when one speaks of certain significance of superstition linked for political figures.
  2. Outsiders have yet to understand the significance of certain responsibilities for certain races (fire giant) , but only the most traditional members still practice particular family structures for medical figures.
  3. This is one of the few cultures that practice no holidays for medical figures.
  4. This is one of many related cultures that have singular method of tracing kinship for athletic figures , however the culture also secretly practices sacred symbols for certain age groups.
  5. The culture is widely known for the custom of specific significance of electricity linked for scientific figures , as well as odd family structures for high social class.
  6. This culture immediately comes to mind when one speaks of odd significance of air linked for political figures.
  7. This is one of the few cultures that practice unusual relationships between certain races (doppleganger) and elders.
  8. Outsiders have yet to understand the significance of unusual communication practices between military leaders and everyone in public for odd duration(s).
  9. Sages have long been studying this culture’s practice of peculiar relationships between citizens and adults.
  10. Popular culture has misinterpreted this group’s practice of sleeping at certain orientation(s) for academic leaders.

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